Goji Air captures and destroys 99.95% of airborne pollutants such as dust, viruses and other contaminants found inside the classroom.
An environment free from airborne viruses can be the difference between a school remaining open or having to close due to a lack of teaching staff or pupils. The cost to society is too high not to include every possible measure to protect all indoor areas.
- Professor Greg Whyte OBE
Medical-grade air quality, protecting health and reducing absenteeism
Removes the most damaging pollutants including VOCS (Volatile Organic Compounds)
& particulates down to PM2.5 -
Kills 99.95% of all airborne bacteria and viruses, including Covid-19
Eradicate unpleasant odours
Alleviate the symptoms of asthma & allergies such as hay fever
Are more environmentally friendly than any similar product
Have low purchase and running costs
Responding to ever-changing directives and criteria has been a mammoth undertaking for the Education sector. Nevertheless, teachers and staff have done an extraordinary job in rising to the challenges imposed by the pandemic.
Can you really afford to be without Goji Air Purifying Technology?
“An improvement in air quality will lead to enhanced performance and productivity and a reduction in absenteeism.”
Greg Whyte OBE, former Olympic athlete and eminent global Sports Scientist

“Air pollution is terrible for our children. Every single scientist, every single doctor will tell you the same thing: Air pollution damages our children’s brains, their hearts, and their lungs.”
- Julianne Moore
Actress & Air quality advocate
Covid-19 has highlighted just how transmissible airborne viruses are, even in the cleanest environments. The importance of a constant clean air flow was identified in the Far East during the SARS epidemic twenty years ago, and we now know that this is vital in the fight against Covid-19. Goji Air systems offer medical-grade air filtration providing reassurance to your staff and students that their health & wellbeing is the highest priority. Reduced absenteeism due to illness will in turn lead to improved productivity and better results.
The only guarantee that opening windows and doors will assure you is
escalated heating costs. Many Head Teachers acting on Government advice to keep windows and doors open to minimise the spread of Covid-19 last winter reported a doubling of energy bills. As Geoff Barton, General Secretary of the ASCL observed, this recommendation ‘was not sustainable in providing a comfortable learning environment in the depths of a British winter’. We understand that budgets can be tight and finding the funds to support an initiative even as fundamental as this can be a challenge, so we are making our equipment available for as little as £1 per day per unit. This is more than off-set by lower absenteeism and reduced heating costs.

in UK with over 40,000 deaths per annum, and cited by The World Health Organisation as one of the biggest threats to public health of our time.
‘But surely opening the window will ventilate my classrooms?’
Yes, it will. But it will also allow polluted air direct access to the lungs of your pupils and staff. Linked to low birth weight and lung development issues in unborn babies, there is also evidence that suggests air pollution aggravates mental health issues, affects concentration and impacts adversely on sleep.
Trials are currently underway in some Bradford-based schools, and calls for urgent investment in effective ventilation systems in UK schools, including proper and ongoing monitoring of air quality, are getting louder. Backed by unions including the Association of School & College Leaders (ASCL), National Association of Heat Teachers, the National Education Union, Unison and Unite, it looks likely that systems like Goji Air UK are set to become mandatory.

Last autumn, staff and pupils were told to layer up as schools struggled to keep classrooms both ventilated for covid safety and warm during plummeting temperatures. Heads told Schools Week last year that their heating costs could double.
Geoff Barton, ASCL general secretary, said government action on ventilation in schools “amounts to little more than recommending that windows are kept open, which is not sustainable in providing a comfortable learning environment in the depths of a British winter”.
There’s a big movement in this at the moment, it’s all over the news with the start of the new term impending.
"Almost every London school is in an area where air pollution levels exceed World Health Organization limits, City Hall analysis suggests.
Figures show 98% of schools are in areas with toxic air quality, compared with 24% outside the capital.
Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah whose nine-year-old daughter died from pollution said "it was like lessons had not been learned".
Across England 3.1m schoolchildren are affected.
Excessive levels of air pollution can stunt lung growth and worsen chronic diseases. "

The Christian Alliance International School, Hong Kong
The Problem
The construction of a new school campus in Kowloon, with the accompanyinginterior decoration and purchase of new furniture created a scenario where the indoor air was contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These harmful pollutants radiate toxic odours and not only affect the learning ability of students but also endanger the health & wellbeing of both staff and students alike.
The Solution
Initially the school conducted a trial through the installation of eight ceiling-mounted NCCO air purifiers. The NCCO air purifiers were designed to combat the specific issues the school was facing whilst also addressing the high levels of pollution experienced generally in Hong Kong.
As a result of the NCCO technology positive impact on indoor air quality was instantly recognised to an exceptionally high level (recorded in EPD IAQ Reference).
Following the successful trial, the school immediately purchased a further 73 units which were positioned throughout the campus, creating a safe environment, happy, productive and attentive pupils who achieved excellent attendance and performance statistics.